How to automate the testing of Dynamics 365 FSCM workflows with Executive Automats.

Workflow is an important part of your overall solution so testing that it functions correctly is an important part of…...

Workflow is an important part of your overall solution so testing that it functions correctly is an important part of your testing.

The downside is that testing workflow can be complex and very time consuming if done manually. If you have many workflows to test, this can consume many resource hours.

Workflows can have many decision points to validate and can use different methods of approval such as organisation hierarchy and user groups to name just a few. This can generate a huge number of tests to validate each workflow. Testing resources having to define test data, logging as the user starting the transaction, then logging in as the approver or multiple approvers. All very time consuming and resource intensive.

It is not all bad news though, as the Executive Automats test automation tool is able to do much of the work for you and is easy to configure.

In this video we will demonstrate how Executive Automats can support the testing of workflows, not just once but over and over again.

We will use a simple workflow for the demonstration where a purchase order needs to be approved by one of two approvers. We will create the purchase order and submit to workflow then check who the approvers are.

Next, we will login as one of the approvers, find the purchase order and approve it.

Once the purchase order is approved we will login as the purchase order requester, and validate that the purchase order has been approved.

Workflow testing is just one of the great features of Executive Automats that will save you significate time and resources during your testing. If you would like to find out more about how Executive Automats can automate a high percentage of your testing then please do contact me and I will be happy to arrange a demo for you.

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